December 19

Today’s Reading


2 Thessalonians 1:1-7

Psalm 144


Matthew 5-7

Advent Reading

Titus 2:11–3:7

In the future, God’s glory will appear when Jesus returns to this world in splendid power. We know that it will certainly happen, so “we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.”

Advent Reflection

Celebrating Jesus’ first coming as a servant should make us all the more eager to see him come again as the King, who will restore all things and remove all evil. Are you eager to see Jesus, either by going to him or him coming to you? Ask for the Holy Spirit to increase your desire for his presence.

Advent Prayer

Thank God that one day there will be no more tears or loneliness or sickness or pain or death or sin. Thank God that one day we will see the face of Jesus in heaven.

Advent Devotional from Gospel In Life

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